The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Course Summary
This postgraduate course unit is designed to provide students with an understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology). It seeks to explore this understanding in the light of contemporary Christian thought and experience. It is an Elective unit which may form part of a Specialisation in the Discipline of Theology within postgraduate awards.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Establish a coherent doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit
2. Evaluate a range of diverse perspectives on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit
3. Develop a theologically integrated statement of the relation of the Holy Spirit to the life of a
4. Defend a particular theological perspective on an aspect of the person or work of the Spirit in contemporary debate
5. Critically apply the results of their study to specific contemporary issues in the life of the
Church today
Course Content
The Person and Work of the Spirit: Biblical Foundations
The Holy Spirit and the Trinity
The Spirit in Early Christian Understanding
The Spirit in the Life of Christ
The Work of the Spirit in Conversion and Sanctification
The Baptism of the Spirit: Historical & Contemporary Perspectives
Spiritual Gifts: Nature and Purpose
Pastoral Implications: Keeping in Step with the Spirit