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​Course Summary


This unit introduces students to spiritual formation in a Christian framework and aims to help students consider the current influences that are forming them. Students will be given the opportunity to explore the value of spiritual formation practices, experience several of the practices, and develop a sustainable rhythm of spiritual practices that will support further spiritual formation. Students will also be challenged to consider how spiritual practices could help faith communities continue in collective spiritual formation as followers of Jesus. Key topics include: defining spiritual formation, exploring the practices both biblically and historically, using journaling as a spiritual formation practice, developing a person spiritual formation rhythm, and considering how spiritual rhythms could be shared in community.​



​Learning Outcomes


​​At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of ongoing spiritual formation as a follower of Jesus

  2. Reflect on engagement in spiritual practices drawn from the Christian tradition

  3. Design plans for personal spiritual formation that demonstrate an understanding of sustainable rhythms​

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  • Introduction

  • Journalling

  • Slowing Down - Silence and Solitude

  • Sabbath rest and Nature

  • Simplicity 

  • Understanding Spiritual Direction

  • Creativity - Art, Music, Poetry

  • Lectio Divina - Reading and Listening to God in Scripture

  • Prayer & Liturgy - The examen, traditional prayers, modern prayers and practicing the presence of God

  • Retreat

  • Rule of Life

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