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Trimester 1 – Feb 2024


with Alexander Venter

General Information

  • This course is presented by Vineyard College Australia and is part of our certificate level study known as EquipVineyard.

(For more information on studying this course at Diploma, Degree or Masters level go to


  • You can get a free sample of the first two sessions of this course now by clicking HERE

    • The sample does not have the video lecture which is live commencing Feb.19th.

    • Sorry, you will have to log-in to access the free sample as there is no other way we can do it through our Moodle platform




This course is about the Historical Jesus – the man, Jesus of history – in his socio-political-religious context. The course intends to help Christians see Jesus more clearly for who he was (and is – he’s alive!). This is of great significance because, as Derek Morphew said in his Kingdom Reformation,  “The way Christians see Jesus determines the way they see God, salvation, the Christian life, mission and society. Therefore, any major rediscovery of Jesus and the kingdom has huge consequences for us. It becomes the unifying story of the whole of scripture,  which if believed and received becomes the controlling narrative that shapes our entire worldview, giving meaning to all of reality and the whole of life” (p.15).


The twelve sessions will paint a portrait of the historical Jesus in his context of Second Temple Judaism. The implications of a rediscovery of Jesus will be pointed out as the lectures unfold – how it changes everything in our lives – or, at least, causes us to review how we live, do family, church, leadership, theology, ministry, and mission.




Explain the important aspects of ‘Historical Jesus Studies’ (now called Jesus Research) at a rudimentary level.

  1. Have an awareness of the leading scholars and their work in Jesus Research.

  2. Apply their knowledge of Jesus and his Kingdom mission in a fresh and meaningful way.

  3. Examine their present beliefs (biblical and theological) and spirituality (apprenticeship to Jesus) via the lens of seeing and knowing Jesus more clearly for who he was and is. 

  4. Appreciate the life-portrait of Jesus of Nazareth and fall in love with him again.

  5. Ultimate goal is to identify with Jesus of Nazareth at a deeper level, to follow him more passionately, and apprentice yourself to him more diligently.


Times and Dates

  • Commences February 19th

  • 10 x Monday night Zoom sessions

               (or recorded catch-up sessions)​

  • Time

    • ​7:30pm Australia   (AEDT)

    • ​10:30am Johannesburg​

    • 8:30am London

    • 9:30am Stockholm

    • 12:30am Los Angeles



  • ​$100 Australia   (AUD)

  • ​1250ZAR Sth. Africa​

  • 53GBP UK

  • 700SEK Sweden

  • 65USD USA

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LECTURE ONE:  Jesus Research & Historical Context

LECTURE TWO:  Conception, Formation, Calling and Confirmation

LECTURE THREE:  Confrontation & Consolation

LECTURE FOUR:  Mission & Message

LECTURE FIVE:  Context & Community

LECTURE SIX:  Ministry & Miracles

LECTURE SEVEN:  Mystery & Parables


LECTURE NINE:  Suffering & Death

LECTURE TEN:  Resurrection & Ascension



Alexander Venter is married to Gillian. They have two adult children and one grandchild.

Alexander came to faith in Jesus in June 1968 and became a church planter/pastor with the Assembly of God in January 1975. He joined John Wimber in southern California for an eight-month internship in 1982. Together with two colleagues, he helped to plant the first Vineyard church in Johannesburg (South Africa) in October 1982. The challenge of Apartheid led Alexander into Soweto in 1984 to initiate a reconciliation ministry between blacks and whites, which (inadvertently) became a church plant called Johweto Vineyard – the symbolic reconciliation of Johannesburg and Soweto. This birthed an intentional interracial Christian community called The Field, where the Venter’s lived for twenty-three years, raising their children in extended family.

Alexander did his theological studies – specialising in Theological Ethics – through UNISA (University of South Africa). In short, he has planted and pastored churches in Zimbabwe, Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Soweto. In 2019 he handed over the last church he pastored to give himself to writing more books, teaching conferences, leading spiritual retreats, leadership consulting and training. He has authored four companion ‘Doing’ volumes: Doing Church, Doing Reconciliation, Doing Healing, and Doing Spirituality. He has also authored Praying the Psalms Volume One: Learning to Pray and Volume Two: Praying our Challenges and Choices. His latest publication is Know the Real Jesus: A Portrait of the Historical Jesus.


Alexander and Gilli currently live in Salt Rock on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

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